Mr and Mrs Moram to be :-)

Mr and Mrs Moram to be :-)
Mr and Mrs Moram to be :-)

Monday 3 January 2011

2011 Is The Year To Get Fit!

Today I can finally say that I am getting married NEXT YEAR!

This is most exciting news, although the wedding does still feel quite far away.  There is simply so much to do, but bring it on!

I've also decided that this year I will up my fitness levels.  I want to tone up for a friend's wedding in Cyprus in May as well as ensure that I can fit into my lovely dress : )  The plan of action to do this is to increase the number of gym sessions I do before classes when possible, cut out alcohol for 12 weeks (this starts on Saturday, wish me luck!) and run at least two mornings a week before work around the local park.  Hopefully if I put all these ingredients together, a new fit me will emerge!!!  Maybe I'll even have a flat tummy like this...

The whole assessment of my fitness has also made me think again about becoming a qualified Les Mills instructor.  I'd love to teach Body Combat and Body Attack classes in the evenings or at the weekends, as what could possibly be better than getting paid to do something I love? I now need to seriously look into the cost of the course as well as the demand for teachers in the Surrey / Sussex area.  I'll keep you posted on my progress!

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